Be still and know that I am God ; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jamie's God Journal: Spiritual Temperature

My daughter Brooklyn woke up the other morning with a horrible cough, watery eyes, & her head feeling "warm." So I decided to take her temperature. It was a low grade fever of 100.4.Her temperature was not low enough to be considered "not a fever." But not high enough to be considered a 'real' fever that I needed to be of great "concern" about or call the doctor. Our pediatrician is not usually concerned unless Brooklyn's temp is GREATER than 100.5. So a God thought came across my mind as I was reading "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore during my QT.

If God took my Spiritual Temperature what would it read?
Would He say of me that I am burning hot & on fire with passion for Him? Or would He say my heart was cold & far from Him? Or worse would he say I was "lukewarm" & that he wanted to spit me out of His mouth?
How does God take our spiritual temperature?
Let's search our hearts for a moment...
God does not take our spiritual temperature under the tounge by the words we say, nor in our ear by the impressive teachings we hear, nor under our arms by the service & duties we perform. God takes our spiritual temperature straight from the heart.

"The people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men." Isaiah 29:13
"Create in me a pure heart oh God and renew a steadfast spirit within me!" Psalm 51:10

God may you loosen any chains withholding my heart from enjoying the abundant liberty in Christ Salvation.

Is there something that is holding you in captivity? Is there a large obstacle in your way? Are you having any trouble in shoving off any boulders on the road of freedom? Are you still having trouble budging one or two?
Remember God's specialty is rolling away a stone!
Today's Brooklyn-ease:

When I laughed today Brooklyn kept asking me..."What are you funnin mommy?" Or "Why are you funnin mommy?" I would respond, "Well Brooklyn, I am laughing at..."

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